Tourism law: hotels and tourist establishments

The tourism sector is one of the major driving forces of the Balearic economy. So it’s no wonder that you want to invest in it. However, in order to do so, you need the best legal advice. This is the only way to avoid some common problems in this area. Here we want to talk about them and tell you what solutions and services we can provide you with in terms of tourism law: hotels and tourist establishments.

what problems you may face in tourism law bufete frau

What problems can you face in tourism law?

At the moment, the Balearic Islands offer a wide variety of alternatives when it comes to investing in the tourism sector. The archipelago allows the construction and operation of hotels and large resorts, as well as rural accommodation, agrotourism, guest houses and tourist flats. These businesses have their own characteristics and legal frameworks.

Obtaining permits and licences is undoubtedly one of the most common problems in the tourism sector in the Balearic Islands. The authorities are quite demanding in this respect and only grant them when the projects comply to the letter of the law. So, to avoid setbacks, you will need a team of specialist lawyers to handle the application.

This brings us directly to the acquisition of assets that will serve as the foundation for your investment. In this regard, it is essential to carry out due diligence, a report carried out by external consultants whose purpose is to check whether the investment does not entail legal risks. It takes less than a month and can save a lot of problems later on.

Problems associated with contract negotiation, property development and financing rounds

Another frequent source of difficulties is in contract negotiation. On the one hand, these relate to the actual process of process of buying and selling or leasing the property in which you want to operate. Particularly complex are lease-back or or sale and leaseback processes, in which you sell the property in order to continue operating it under a lease.

On the other hand, they also have to do with the subsequent exploitation of the property. To get the most out of your tourism investment, you will need the collaboration of travel agencies and other marketing services. Negotiating the best terms and conditions is essential for profitability.

To all this must be added the setbacks in obtaining the necessary rounds of financing to start the business and buy the assets. Nor can we forget the Balearic Islands’ own taxation in the tourism sector. Clearly, without an expert in tourism law in Mallorca or Ibiza, all of this can be very complex. So, in order to make the process run smoothly, please contact us for personalised advice.

problems associated with the negotiation of contracts bufete frau

Solutions and services in tourism law

The services we offer are aimed at preventing and solving all the problems coproblems mentioned above. Specifically, we are talking about the following:

servicio 1 bufete frau

Advice on tourism law in Ibiza and Mallorca

We know that the Balearic real estate market in general and the tourism sector in particular are quite complex. Therefore, if you trust us, our lawyers will take care of drafting all the contracts and managing their entry into force. You will only have to worry about the signature.

servicio 2 bufete frau

Tax and commercial guarantees

Over the last few years, we have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs to invest in the Balearic tourist market. We know better than anyone how it works when it comes to paying taxes and the most efficient and practical corporate formulas.

servicio 3 bufete frau

Permits and licenses management

Our legal knowledge is key to obtain the necessary documents to start a tourist activity. It doesn’t matter if you are planning to invest in a large hotel or in some tourist flats.

servicio 4 bufete frau

Negotiation of contracts and financing

Leave it also in our hands. We are experts in reaching the most advantageous agreements with travel agencies, banks and all the actors that make up the complicated tourism sector in the Balearics.

  • servicio 1 bufete frau

    Advice on tourism law in Ibiza and Mallorca

    We know that the Balearic real estate market in general and the tourism sector in particular are quite complex. Therefore, if you trust us, our lawyers will take care of drafting all the contracts and managing their entry into force. You will only have to worry about the signature.

  • servicio 2 bufete frau

    Tax and commercial guarantees

    Over the last few years, we have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs to invest in the Balearic tourist market. We know better than anyone how it works when it comes to paying taxes and the most efficient and practical corporate formulas.

  • servicio 3 bufete frau

    Permits and licenses management

    Our legal knowledge is key to obtain the necessary documents to start a tourist activity. It doesn’t matter if you are planning to invest in a large hotel or in some tourist flats.

  • servicio 4 bufete frau

    Negotiation of contracts and financing

    Leave it also in our hands. We are experts in reaching the most advantageous agreements with travel agencies, banks and all the actors that make up the complicated tourism sector in the Balearics.

Tourism law in Mallorca and Ibiza

In short, the best way to start a tourist business in Mallorca or Ibiza is to have a team of specialists in tourism law in the Balearic Islands. With them you will be able to start an accommodation business quickly, easily and safely. At Bufete Frau we have more than two decades of experience offering this type of services and we offer you a group of lawyers of proven efficiency. What are you waiting for to call us and tell us about your case?


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