Family law, inheritance and Balearic foral law

A family law lawyer specialising in Balearic law can be very useful, whether you already live in the archipelago or you are planning to move to live on any of the islands. But how exactly? We are going to talk to you about the problems that may arise in this respect and the solutions we offer you.

problems frequent in family law in baleares bufete frau

Frequent problems in family law in the Balearic Islands

Without a doubt, the branch of family law is one of the most complex and, at the same time, one of the most used. For example, when it comes to divorce, separation or annulment, you will need the services of a specialised lawyer. It does not matter whether you have reached an agreement with your spouse or whether you have to resort to litigation.

Marriages, separations and divorces

Once you are separated or divorced, you may have problems collecting child support or alimony. The same applies to visiting rights for children. Through legal claims and applications for enforcement of judgments, you may be able to get things back to normal.

However, there is no need to go to these extremes either. For example, if you are thinking of getting married, you probably want to protect your interests. A lawyer specialising in family law can advise you on whether a separate property regime or a community of property regime is better for you. If you do not take their opinion into account, your subsequent liquidation can be a real problem.

Inheritance and wills Inheritance and wills lawyers

Inheritance and wills Inheritance and wills lawyers provide a very important service. It is not uncommon that, when a person dies, his or her legitimate heirs do not agree with the testator’s wishes. Inheritance proceedings are often quite complex and time-consuming. In addition, you have to take into account the relevant taxation. If you do not comply with the provisions of the Balearic legislation, you will probably be subject to significant penalties. This also applies to donations.

In addition, the application of international private law can add another dose of complexity to what we have just said. Fortunately, in our law firm we have a large team of lawyers specialised in family law. Put yourself in our hands and we will take care of protecting your rights and interests in any situation.

wills and inheritance bufete frau

Solutions and services provided by a family law lawyer in the Balearic Islands

A family law lawyer in Mallorca and Ibiza is able to solve many of your problems. Specifically, he provides you with all these services:

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Legal counselling during partnerships

This includes the formalisation of a partnership or marriage. Special mention should be made of our services in the establishment and liquidation of the matrimonial property regime (community property or separation of property).

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Legal advice during separations and divorces

We always encourage our clients to reach an agreement with their spouses. However, if this is not possible, we will defend your interests before the courts and in the regulatory agreement.

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The only way to force the other spouse to pay alimony and compensatory payments is to go to court. The same applies if he or she is not complying with the visiting arrangements for the minor children. Our lawyers will even accompany you during the process of modification of measures so that you can achieve what you have set out to achieve.

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Criminal defence

Have you been the one denounced for any of the above issues? Don’t worry. We have the means and resources to obtain the most favourable sentence for your interests.

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Advice on inheritance execution

It is possible that your parents have passed away without making a will. Or, on the contrary, your siblings or you yourself do not agree with the distribution set out in the lawyers for inheritances (Baleares or Mallorca or Ibiza) will guide you through the process.

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Tax advice

You are probably not sure how to tax the inheritance or donation you have just received. Our team will save you legal problems and penalties related to the taxation of these assets.

  • servicio 1 bufete frau

    Legal counselling during partnerships

    This includes the formalisation of a partnership or marriage. Special mention should be made of our services in the establishment and liquidation of the matrimonial property regime (community property or separation of property).

  • servicio 2 bufete frau

    Legal advice during separations and divorces

    We always encourage our clients to reach an agreement with their spouses. However, if this is not possible, we will defend your interests before the courts and in the regulatory agreement.

  • servicio 3 bufete frau


    The only way to force the other spouse to pay alimony and compensatory payments is to go to court. The same applies if he or she is not complying with the visiting arrangements for the minor children. Our lawyers will even accompany you during the process of modification of measures so that you can achieve what you have set out to achieve.

  • servicio 4 bufete frau

    Criminal defence

    Have you been the one denounced for any of the above issues? Don’t worry. We have the means and resources to obtain the most favourable sentence for your interests.

  • servicio 5 bufete frau

    Advice on inheritance execution

    It is possible that your parents have passed away without making a will. Or, on the contrary, your siblings or you yourself do not agree with the distribution set out in the lawyers for inheritances (Baleares or Mallorca or Ibiza) will guide you through the process.

  • servicio 6 bufete frau

    Tax advice

    You are probably not sure how to tax the inheritance or donation you have just received. Our team will save you legal problems and penalties related to the taxation of these assets.

Family law lawyer in Mallorca and Ibiza

In short, a family law lawyer in the Balearic Islands can guide you and offer you solutions to a wide variety of problems. At Bufete Frau we have 25 years of experience offering this type of services. A period of time in which we have helped hundreds of people like you. Do not hesitate and contact us. We will provide you with the legal advice you need in each case.

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